Reporting on the events and activities at the Civil Air Patrol North Carolina Wing Cadet Encampment

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Encampment Day 5: Colors; Award; Challenge Coin; O-Course; EOD; Swimming; Parade Practice

The cadets were roused out of their bed as usual this morning but instead of PT, the cadets spent the time ironing uniforms and polishing boots. The highlight of the day would happen soon after the presentation of the colors at the parade ground Major General Carl B. Jensen, Commanding General Marine Corps Installations East, would formally promote C/LtCol Feinstein to C/Col. General Jensen watched as Cadet Feinstein's parents put on his epaulets and then presented the Spaatz award. General Jensen then made a strong motivational speech to all the cadets and finally presented C/Col Feinstein with his own challenge coin.

The next stop for the cadets was the Marine Obstacle course which is always an encampment highlight. The cadets had a blast tumbling, swinging and climbing on the bars, barricades, walls and ropes.

The cadets then got a real treat when the bus made an unscheduled stop at the II MEF Simulation Center. This is the deployed virtual training environment and the cadets got a feel for what happens on the battle field.

The next stop was the EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) team. The cadets got to see and play with some really cool robots. In addition they got to see the insides of a bomb disposal truck.

After lunch, the cadets returned to the barracks to split up into two teams. The 9th squadron headed out to the parade grounds for some practice while the 10th squadron went swimming. The Marine pool was a lot of fun as the Basics and Staff had fun on the diving boards and some water fights. The lifeguard helped in the fun by opening the high diving platform which was put to good use by the more experienced cadets.

The cadets then assembled back at the barracks to get into BDUs and head for chow. After chow the Basics got a Character Development training from Capt. Wuerfful and the Staff got some training from Maj Jeff Moore and Capt Brinkely Church both from the US Air Force.

After the daily flight time and hygiene time it is preparation for lights out and another busy day tomorrow.

by C/CMSgt Micah Larson and C/CMSgt Tim Johnson with support from Capt. Paul Twiddy and Maj Conrad D'Cruz

2009 Encampment PAO Team

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